The Growing Brain

Decades of research indicate that the early years of life are a period of exponential brain development, characterized by great opportunity and vulnerability dependent on the child’s relationships and environment.  Research on the topic is exploding, underscoring the need for early childhood professionals to stay up-to-date on brain development and strategies to best support the growing brains of the infants and young children in their care.

Developed by ZERO TO THREE©, The Growing Brain: From Birth to 5 Years Old is an innovative course that provides a toolkit of how the brain develops—step-by-step, neuron-by-neuron—along with science-supported practical ways that early childhood professionals can encourage healthy brain development in children from birth to 5 years old.

This 7-unit, 21 hour curriculum provides explanation of brain processes and the effects of environmental influences.

​Participants will develop skills and strategies to:

  • Understand the architecture and neurobiology of brain development
  • Support language, cognition, prosocial behavior, and social-emotional development
  • Reduce toxic stress that can negatively influence brain development of young children


This introductory training is recommended for early childhood professionals seeking an overview of early brain development and ways to encourage healthy brain development in infants and young children in their care. This training was designed for early learning professionals as well as others serving infants, young children, and their families, such as home visitors, doulas, and community health workers.

Endorsement Competencies and CEUs

This training can be utilized when applying for Infant Mental Health Endorsement.
CEUs and STARS credits will be available.​

ZERO TO THREE Competencies for 
Prenatal to Age 5 (P-5) Professionals

These ZERO TO THREE competencies are addressed in the content of the training:

  • Unit 1: Domain 1 (Early Childhood Development) and Domain 3 (Relationship-Based Practice)
  • Unit 2: Domain 1 (Early Childhood Development), Domain 3 (Relationship-Based Practice), and Domain 4 (Health and Developmental Protective and Risk Factors)
  • Unit 3: Domain 1 (Early Childhood Development), Domain 3 (Relationship-Based Practice), and Domain 5: (Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness)
  • Unit 4: Domain 1 (Early Childhood Development)
  • Unit 5: Domain 1 (Early Childhood Development), Domain 2 (Family-Centered Practice), and Domain 3 (Relationship-Based Practice)
  • Unit 6: Domain 1 (Early Childhood Development) and Domain 4 (Health and Developmental Protective and Risk Factors)
  • Unit 7: Domain 1 (Early Childhood Development)