Foundations of Reflective Practice
Reflective practice is the regular consideration of how one’s beliefs, values, and responses impact behavior, interactions, and relationships with others, in order to deepen professional competence and promote effective practice.
This 3-hour workshop provides an introduction to reflective practice and the foundational values and skills that support it, including slowing down, self-awareness, critical thinking, and self-compassion. Participants will learn the purpose and benefits of reflective practice, explore key skills that support reflective practice, and identify strategies for incorporating reflection into daily experiences and practice with young children and their families.
This introductory training is recommended for early childhood professionals seeking an overview of reflective practice, and was designed for professionals serving expectant parents, infants, young children, and families in a variety of fields, including early learning, home visiting, doula care, early intervention, mental health, healthcare, and others, as well as supervisors and administrators in child/family-focused programs and related fields.
Endorsement Competencies
These competencies are addressed in the content of the training:
- Reflective Supervision (IMHM-C only)
- Supporting Others
- Building and Maintaining Relationships
- Collaborating
- Planning and Organizing
- Listening
- Contemplation
- Self-Awareness
- Curiosity
- Professional/Personal Development
- Emotional Response
- Parallel Process
Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) for mental health professionals are available.