Providing RSC
Reflective Supervision is a Specialized Type of Supervision
Reflective Supervision and Consultation (RSC) is a form of ongoing, intentional, scheduled professional development focusing on enhancing the reflective skills of practitioners to enhance the quality of services as well as staff wellness and retention. It is distinctly different from administrative or clinical supervision and can be provided in groups or individually. When a supervisor provides RS to members of their team, they are called a Reflective Supervisor. If in-agency RS is not available, there are Reflective Consultants in the community that can be engaged to provide reflective supports to staff.
Providing Reflective Supervision and Consultation
Providing Reflective Supervision and Consultation (RSC) is a powerful way to support professionals in the prenatal through five workforce. Those who have experienced RSC are more likely to increase family engagement and goal attainment, reduce burnout, and increase job satisfaction.
Becoming a provider of RSC requires training, experience, and support. Best practices include first receiving ongoing RSC from a trained Reflective Supervisor yourself to build your own reflective capacity.
Training in providing RSC gives you tools and skills to practice in creating a safe, intentional, exploratory holding space for supervisees to consider the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of themselves and others that influence the ideas and practices they bring to their work. Training in RSC should be followed by continued participation in your own RSC as you put your RS skills into practice, providing this support to others.

To Get Started
Learn more about Washington’s leadership in a regional collaboration to develop Reflective Supervision Guidelines and find resources for assessing the integration of reflective practices into your program below.

Reflective Supervision Consultation (RSC)
To help you locate a Reflective Supervision Consultant, we have shared a list of providers of reflective supervision and consultation in the state of Washington who are eligible to supervise Endorsement applicants.